December 30, 2012

How to add apps to a Android SDK?

Q. I need to find out how to add apps to an Android SDK. NOT THE PHONE. The SDK.
Sorry about being an Ass on the "NOT THE PHONE" but some people really can't read so I need to be clear to them.
Apps as in App Market apps into an SDK. Get it?
Sam you are stupid. What I mean is an SDK is an emulator of the phone. How to add apps onto that emulator. Thanks.

A. No, I don't get it. This question makes no senses. An SDK is not an application and has no applications, therefore adding an application to it makes no sense.

Can I program an Android application without actually having an Android phone?
Q. Does the Android SDK contain anything to test your application on while developing an Android application (much like the iPhone does)?

I don't own a phone with Android (I actually have an iPhone...) but I would like to program some Android apps, without burning money on a phone. When it comes time to test my application on a live phone I have plenty of friends that would be willing to be guinea pigs.

A. Yes. The android SDK includes an emulator call AVD or Android Virtual Device. It is limited in some respects because it can't receive calls or be moved around for GPS testing, but for simple games and web-apps it's perfect for users who don't want to invest in a development phone.

Here's a website on how to use the AVD in the basic sense:

However I recommend using the Eclipse Android Development Tool (ADT) plugin for all your work as the AVD launcher is built right into the normal launch system for Eclipse. Here's a page on how to install that:

Obviously you'll need to install Eclipse for Java Developers and the Android SDK first. If you haven't done that yet, here are the pages you need to get that done:

How to install new apps in Android SDK?
Q. I use Android SDK "Sony Ericson EDK" So how do i install new apps in this SDK?

A. Sounds like you mean the Android Emulator, not the Android SDK (two separate things completely)

Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II days
Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.

How do you know which classes to use in the API reference when developing android apps?
Q. I am just starting to developed android apps. I have installed the android SDK. I'm just confused on how to understand the reference documentation when it come to choosing the different classes when building an app. Can some explain to me how to use the documentation? Thanks

A. I took a class last semester on developing android apps. They have good tutorials on their website to get you started. I find it difficult and frustrating to actually go through the APIs and try to piece it all together. I think you're better off going through as many tutorials as possible and see how others use specific classes. From experience, android has a lot of random lines of code that are needed to get things to work and it is in no way self explanatory unless you are an expert. The link I provided should get you on the right path though. Programming android is actually fairly easy though.

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