January 28, 2013

Is there any way to practice coding in Python on an Android device?

Q. I don't want to write anything for an Android device, I just want a way to input code and view the output as a way to practice on the go.

A. There was one or two programs I tried to use to run the IDE for python, but it was sketchy at best. Sorry, you will have to stick with PC.

What do I need to make applications for android phones?
Q. I already know how to program in Flash, Java, and the basics of c++. I was looking for an internship for the summer, and failed. So I thought I would teach myself how to make applications for the android phones. So what do I need to get started?
Ok thanks jaffamol. I am downloading eclipse now. Before I was using JGrasp as a IDE(for java).

A. You will need:

Java Development Kit (and JRE, which most people have anyway) : http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

Android SDK : http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

The best IDE EVER! Eclipse : http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR2/eclipse-java-galileo-SR2-win32.zip

ADT plugin for Eclipse : http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html

That's what you need to get started, this will give you an IDE to develop in and emulators to test with.

Get started with a guide to Android development : http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html

No problem, I find Eclipse much better than anything else, and it's recommended for Android development. You could use other IDE's but Android has a plugin for Eclipse which will give you things like, intellisense, easily debug applications in the emulator, easily export unsigned and signed applications, easily view all threads, memory and all that lovely stuff.

What does it take to make a smartphone APP?
Q. Like apps for iPhone and Android. What knowldge do I need to have to make a quality app? Do different apps use different programming languages or is it all standard? How long would it take before I can make a good app?

A. To make a smartphone app, you firstly need a IDE (Integrated Debugging Environment). Like, to name few, there are: Eclipse, Carbide C++, etc. If you wish to develop you application program in Java, you need to have the JDK7u4.

Then get the SDK (Software Development Kit) for which you want to develop the apps. Like, the Android-SDK for developing the android app. Next thing is that, you will have to be good at your programming skills.

Once you get the proper IDE then download the SDK and run it. Select the option to integrate with the existing IDE.

The rest is self-explanatory. To know more, you can refer to my blog. I have shared the link.

how can I learn android application programming?
Q. I am not a programmer, but I used to play around with QuickBasic, FORTRAN, Pascal and I love to Learn application development on android?

I have seen app inventor but I think it is not powerful tool.

A. Go to


Download the SDK / ADT Bundle - this is the IDE and an emulator for you to be able to develop an Android app.

Then check out the samples from the same website.

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