November 16, 2012

should i get ipod or samsung android mp3?

Q. i was thinking of getting an ipod touch or else a samsung android mp3 player with video.i can't make up my mind what to get because they are botharound the same price ,have the same memory and both look awesome.i was going to go for the samsung because it is android and would have much more free apps. if i was to get an ipod i don't want to jailbreak it. but is the ipod better? please help.

A. I would go with a iPod. but it is my opinion.

Do You prefer a smartphone or separate mp3 player?
Q. I'm thinking about blasting to an android phone because I'm tired of toting around a cell phone and mp3 player separately. I'm a Zune fan and I've been told I can download the Zune player to any android phone. Is the separate mp3 player better or not?

A. Personally, I prefer a separate mp3 player.

- I have a separate unit for playing music (and therefore, separate battery capacity and separate storage)
- If one device breaks, I don't lose both (if I need to send my phone in for repairs, I can still enjoy my music, or the other way around)

On the other hand, it's easier to forget two devices than one, so... YMMV, essentially.

Best mp3 player for web browsing and a vast variety of apps and games?
Q. I want a mp3 player that have basically everything on it. I want to never get bored of it. Is the itouch right for me? I dont know a lot about mp3 players so can you help me? The only one i know of is the itouch which has a ton of features.

A. archos 5 it can get any flash game on the net that doesn't use the keyboard. It as 60 to 500 gb. There is a new one out that as the android os. Also think about the n810 because it can do absolutely any flash game on the net because it has a slideout keyboard and can get apps from his just plain awesome. All three of the devices meat your criterea but i would go with the n810 because you don't have to pay apps unlike the ipod touch. Or go with the n900 because that is a phone and has the capabilities.

Is there an Mp3 player with android OS?
Q. Okay, I love linux and I hate how Ipod/OS is crap, so I started thinking is there an android mp3/pm4 player out there? Is there one? Is it good? Is it more or less expensive?
Cell phones don't count as I can't afford one. I wants mp3/mp4 player because I like apps but not cell phones.

A. Yes there are but they don't have access to the full android market. Archos is calling this a "tablet" but it's more of an mp3 player.

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