November 19, 2012

Is there a Bluetooth car stereo system that is designed for Android, vice iPod/iPhone?

Q. My current stereo seems to be designed for iPod. When I connect my Android phone, Razr Maxx, to my car stereo, it works, but song/artist/album/length doesn't show up on the screen. There are also many features that seem unused when using my phone vice if it were an iPhone. Do they make a system that works great with my Android phone?

A. most stereos are still not android ready. you will in 2012 some radios android ready but as far as i have seen its mostly the navi radios. I hope they come out with some single din regular radios android ready soon for the people that want sumtin basic or cant afford a 1000$ radio

Can/How do I play music from my Bluetooth phone (samsung Mesmerize) to my bluetooth car stereo?
Q. I just got a Samsung Mesmerize android phone that has bluetooth, and I want to play music from it to my car stereo (kenwood) using bluetooth. I've been told that this will usually work. Please let me know. Thanks a bunch

A. Kenwood makes a lot of radios so you really need to be more specific of the model number.

Is there a way to play my music through my car stereo via USB?
Q. I just bought a new car stereo receiver, and it has a USB port, and it wont work with my Droid. It will only work with my iPod, but I have a lot more songs on my phone. I didn't know if there was something I was doing wrong, or if I could just download an app that let me do it.

A. Add this module to your car stereo
it is a Bluetooth android interface, plug in using the auxiliary input on the back side of the new radio

what's better for listening to streaming music? iPhone, Android, or one of the others?
Q. i like to listen to dance music, and i want to listen on my bluetooth-enabled car stereo. Thanks! p.s. I know that iPhone has tons of apps for streaming music, but Android may handle it better, I dont know.

A. As much as i love Android, Android doesn't support listening to music in a bluetooth enabled car right now. It's something you would expect since tons of phones can do that. But unfortunately i'm going to have to recommend an Iphone for you. :(

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