March 20, 2013

What android GPS app would be good to use for Geocaching?

Q. I have just joined the Geocaching website. I have a samsung captivate android 2.2 firmware version. I need to know of applications that have a gps that allows you to type in the coordinates numbers, that allow you to play the game. Any suggestions on an easy use app?
Thanks in Advance.

A. First of all, when you say "the Geocaching website" I'm going to assume you mean

The official Geocaching app seems to be the best one out there, but it costs $10.

I use "c:geo - opensource" and it works reasonably well, but sometimes the caches don't show up in the exact right spot on the map... but when that happens at least it shows you that the location may be off (circles it in orange). And there's also a workaround for the issue, so it's not that big of a deal. Bottom line: this app will be fine if you want to save money, but if you don't mind the $10, the official app is better.

The OpenCaching app looks pretty good, but it's only for

What is the most accurate gps tracker app on the android market?
Q. I'm looking for a gps tracker app that can do "live" tracking between friends. I also need it to be as accurate as possible. Latitude isn't accurate enough (sometimes its miles off). Any suggestions?

A. Any of them really. Accuracy is totally dependant on how well GPS is received, and no app can receive GPS better than any other.

Is there a GPS-type app that you can set to alert you when your driving speed goes to high?
Q. So for example, if I'm driving on a freeway with 55mph speed limit, I could set the GPS app to "ding" or something if I go over a certain speed, which I could set to something like 64mph. Just wondering. Also, I would prefer an app for the iPhone, but if there isn't one for the iPhone I would still like to know if there is one for Android.


A. What do you think the speedometer is for?

Is there a GPS Android app that works without Internet connection?
Q. I bought a samsung galaxy y 2 months ago and it has gps feature unfortunately I need internet connection to use google maps navigation so I'm wondering if theres any GPS app that doesnt require internet. Thanks!
I forgot to mention that im from Italy :x

A. Yes, you need a pure GPS app. They are not cheap and you can find them on the market. Here is one example from Navigon for US.

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