February 22, 2013

How do I measure the USB power input in Android?

Q. I have an android tablet (Nexus 7) and several micro-usb cables that I like to use. Some of the cables don't seem to charge the tablet as quickly as others and I was wondering if there was a way to see the exact power output or charge times in Android to get some hard data from it. I've tried searching for multimeter apps, and USB apps, but none of them seem to give the current charge rates or power statistics from the USB port.

A. you could get a killowatt meter.
plug your computer in through that.
check how many watts it takes without the android charging.
then try the various usb cords and see how much the power draw increases for each one,the one that makes it take the most watts is the one that will charge it the fastest.

How old do you have to be to use Google Wallet on your android phone?
Q. I'm 15, and my 2 yr contract expired, and I'm thinking on choosing between an iPhone and a Android Galaxy Nexus, and what I like about the Android Galaxy Nexus is that it has Google Wallet with PayPass, and my dad opened my up a Citi Mastercard, but I'm not sure if it will let me use the card because I'm 15.

A. Your Google Wallet account is separate from your credit card account.

Theoretically you should be able to add your father's Citi Mastercard credit card to your google wallet and you should be able to use it. You can check this process by doing this: Goto www.google.com/wallet/ then sign in with your google account. In the next window goto Payment Methods on the left hand side, and there you should be able to see the option New Card.

Even if there was a problem, then you just have to remember that the google wallet is just a google account. Should they add in some sort of age restriction, then just create another account which makes you over 18, and then you'll have no problems.

If that doesn't work, you just need to remember that you can have multiple accounts on a phone. So consider adding one of your father's accounts to your phone.

Just a word of warning though, traditionally most people expect only people over 18 to have credit cards. If the cashier mistakens you for being too young to have access to a credit card that could cause you some problems. ... this is assuming the cashier even knows how to operate the Pay Wave pay points!

My Nexus 4G Power Button Is having issues?
Q. My android nexus 4G's power button has been acting up lately. Recently i have had to press it multiple times for it to respond. And now it's not working at all and the only way i can lock/unlock my phone is by taking the battery completely out. Any suggestions for making it work? Thanks For Your Time.


Is it safe to view and trade my stocks on my phone?
Q. I have the android Galaxy Nexus, just wondering how secure it is. For instance if I get the scottrade app and want to trade stocks with that will it be safe? When I'm connected to an open wifi can people steal the information off my phone and steal my stock and along with it my credit card information?


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