January 7, 2013

on my android nexus one phone, why dose any streaming radio app stop playing/streaming after the screen locks?

Q. I am on a android nexus one phone running version 2.1. any streaming radio app stops playing/streaming after the screen locks. but it continues playing uninterrupted if the screen stays on. i am getting frustrated over this because its not a connection loss, and i like to listen as i go to sleep. i have tried xiialive, A Online radio, and stream furious.

A. Try playing music without the screen on and see if that works.

How do I measure the USB power input in Android?
Q. I have an android tablet (Nexus 7) and several micro-usb cables that I like to use. Some of the cables don't seem to charge the tablet as quickly as others and I was wondering if there was a way to see the exact power output or charge times in Android to get some hard data from it. I've tried searching for multimeter apps, and USB apps, but none of them seem to give the current charge rates or power statistics from the USB port.

A. you could get a killowatt meter.
plug your computer in through that.
check how many watts it takes without the android charging.
then try the various usb cords and see how much the power draw increases for each one,the one that makes it take the most watts is the one that will charge it the fastest.

How old do you have to be to use Google Wallet on your android phone?
Q. I'm 15, and my 2 yr contract expired, and I'm thinking on choosing between an iPhone and a Android Galaxy Nexus, and what I like about the Android Galaxy Nexus is that it has Google Wallet with PayPass, and my dad opened my up a Citi Mastercard, but I'm not sure if it will let me use the card because I'm 15.


My Nexus 4G Power Button Is having issues?
Q. My android nexus 4G's power button has been acting up lately. Recently i have had to press it multiple times for it to respond. And now it's not working at all and the only way i can lock/unlock my phone is by taking the battery completely out. Any suggestions for making it work? Thanks For Your Time.


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