Q. I hate my Android and I need to get a new phone because mine is breaking anyways.
A. I think they are offering 3GS free right now with a 2 year plan. 3GS is still a really good phone (but doesn't have SIRI), but its hard to go wrong with that.
Why does apple want to pull EVI from the app store?
Q. The app isn't Siri, its a talking reference app. It doesn't have even close to the functionality of siri.
But its not competition. It talks to you and sounds like siri, thats about it. It doesn't do anything else siri does. Its pretty much just google.
But its not competition. It talks to you and sounds like siri, thats about it. It doesn't do anything else siri does. Its pretty much just google.
A. Apple doesnt like any app that replaces or competes with an app that comes built into the device. They hate competition. Just another reason to use android instead.
What does the iphone have that android doesnt-other than siri?
Q. Both have apps, both have instagram, android has more keyboards and expandable memory
iphone has siri and status I guess
so what does iphone have that android doesnt ? other than celebrity use?
iphone has siri and status I guess
so what does iphone have that android doesnt ? other than celebrity use?
A. A Pretty Face.
What phone should I get for christmas, the iPhone 4s or the Samsung Infuse 4G?
Q. I was planning to get the Samsung Infuse 4G for christmas, but now that the iPhone 4s has come out and has Siri, I don't know what to do? Please help me!!!
A. Personally I would go with the infuse, people will tell you the 4s only because they have either never had or used and android, or because they are apple fan boys.Plus it is the newest phone right now, but there will always be something better around the corner. Android is a much better os and the infuse is running 4g speeds (like all of the newer androids). But if i was you i would wait for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime to come out in a little while. It should be on AT&T but nothing has been confirmed about it yet, but it is going to be a VERY good competitor with the iphone 4s. Not to mention it will have the newest version of android which is much better then ios 5. I would also just go to an AT&T store and play with the phones there, you will be able to make your decision easier.
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