November 16, 2012

Whats the best battery saver for android?

Q. I been searching for,alot of battery saver cant hardly find the best one when I do I gave trouble with the settings. Pleasr help me out. Thanks


What are the best free android apps to get for my htc evo phone? Is there a battery saver app?
Q. It can be games, tools, or even a photo editing app. Since my phone drains a lot, someone told me about an app for saving battery, but I forgot the name of it, so what is the best app than can save/increase the battery life. thanks

A. -"Photoshop Express" is a decent free photo editing app.
-"Angry birds" is an extremely popular game that is free in the Android market.
-"TuneIn" Radio is an application for listening to local radio stations, it uses the internet to get them, unlike the FM radio app that requires you to use headphones as an antenna, which doesn't work very well.
-"Shop Savvy" is a good product search/barcode search application.
-"VoterMap" is a cool app for political discussions if you are interested in that sort of thing.
-"Runkeeper" is a really nice exercise management application.
-eBuddy is an IM client that can connect to anything from AIM, Yahoo IM, MSN, Facebook chat, ect.

Those are some of my most used free applications.

how long does your android cell battery last?
Q. With non-stop use how long does your android last until you have to charge it? Mine lasts 8 hours. And it lasts about 18 hours with light use.

A. It lasts like 7 hours for me. However I have got this app called 'Easy battery saver' from the Android market for free, and it works really well. I cant leave it for about 10 hours now.

How can I fix the Droid 2's extremely short battery life?
Q. I literally just got my phone less than a week ago, and the battery life is horrible. I charge it, then three hours later it will die. Is there any way I can fix this without buying an extended battery or anything like that?

A. this applies to task killers to

Android is good at managing memory if it needs some it will auto close programs that are not being used.
Every time you kill an app it takes battery power for the thing to load if its setting in memory it is not consuming any power.

the only thing that battery saver programs does is show you more in depth of what you battery is doing (which uses battery)
and gives you options to auto do things when the battery reachs a certain level.

Things you can do to save battery
dont be updating email, facebook, weather automatically every 15 mins try either every half an hour or hour or manually.
set you phone to sync contacts and stuff at night when it would be plugged in
turn 3g off if not actively using it-or you are in an area that it bounces 2g-3g and back that uses a ton of battery
turn wifi and blue tooth off if you are not using it
its a smart phone its not meant to last a week on one charge like old flip phones did
depends on the phone but alot of these phones pack up to a 1GHz processor that's faster then all computers 4 years ago and it fits in the palm of your hand

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