November 19, 2012

How is sign off yahoo mail in Android phone?

Q. How is sign off yahoo mail in Android phone?
I have two yahoo account in Android phone. How is online one and offline another?

A. You can go to "Setting" "Account & sync" "Mail" "remove account"

How to access my yahoo small business email account with Android?
Q. After downloading the Yahoo Mail Android App (Verizon user) I still can't access my e-mail from the small business domain. I can still only access e-mails to/from my personal domain.

A. Hi Erin,

The Yahoo! Mail App does not support Business Email addresses at this time. To configure Yahoo! Small Business Mail on your mobile device, you will need to use either an IMAP or POP setup. Here's a walkthrough for Android devices:�

If you prefer IMAP instead, the process is the same, just use these settings:�

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us anytime at

Yahoo Mail for Android saying it needs to be re-activated?
Q. My mail has worked fine for a year on my phone. As on this past Monday, I quit receiving mail. Still getting my mail on my computer and can log in to web mail, but not coming to my phone. Re-installed Yahoo for Android and I get amessage that my mailbox needs to be reactivated. Any suggestions?

A. I'm having the same issue! If anyone gets an answer please email me at

Can I change my notification sound on yahoo messenger for android?
Q. is there any way to chagne the notification sound on yahoo messenger for android? I want a louder/different tone to play when I receive a message.

A. There is a folder in android where all the notification ring tones are stored. Go into that folder and find the tone which is currently used. Once you find that out, you can rename it to some other name and rename the louder tone which you want to set to the original name. Hope this helps.

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