November 19, 2012

Can i convert an ebook from itunes to read on my android?

Q. i used to have a series of books on my iphone that i read over and over again. i love the series but i recently switched from an iphone to an android RAZR. I'm hoping to avoid paying for all the books over again so i want to know if theres any way i can convert the books from the itunes/ibooks format to be read on my android razr. can anyone help?

A. there is a program I am testing called mobi reader, give it a try.

Does car insurance cover damage to belongings in an accident?
Q. My car was recently totalled. So was my brand new Android Razr in the crash. Will my car insurance cover replacement cost of a $750 phone?! And don't say I need home insurance for that because a cell phone is NOT a home appliance.
I didn't get the replacement insurance for the phone because i've never dropped my phone, ever. I didn't expect it to bounce of the dash board of my car at 45mph.
Farmers insurance and my agent didn't know the answer.

A. No.

The auto policy specifically excludes coverage for personal property under the collision coverage.

You may have coverage under your Homeowners or Renters policy but your deductible will apply.

My Android Razr got wet in the shower. Can I still save it?
Q. So anyway, I passed out drunk in the shower again. Ordinarily it's not a big deal but, unfortunately, this time I left my brand-new Android Razr in my coat pocket. I was in there for a good four or five hours before my daughter found me so, needless to say, it was pretty waterlogged. I ran a blow dryer on it for a minute or so but it's still not working. Any ideas on how to save it or is it totally hopeless? Thanks!


Android razr question,help? notification wont go away something about waiting to upload and remote device?
Q. Android razr question,help? notification wont go away something about waiting to upload and remote device is offline...I cant get rid of it, help? 10 points to best answer

A. use 91 pc suite for android

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