November 16, 2012

Are emulators illegal and can you get caught?

Q. I see emulators in the Google Play Store on my Android Device. An N64 emulator has more than 1million downloads. So I wonder if its illegal and if so, can you get caught?

A. Emulators themselves are not illegal, but downloading the ROM you need to play a game is...

Do all bluetooth controllers work with android phones?
Q. I want to buy a game controller for my phone (since i have an n64 emulator) and i noticed my phone recognizes bluetooth devices. Do most bluetooth controllers work for android phones or do you have to buy ones specifically designed for android?

A. I'm pretty sure if they have blue tooth it should work

Are emulators illegal and can you get caught?
Q. I see a GBA and N64 emulator on Google Play Store on my Android phone. They both have over 1million downloads. I know that emulators are not illegal unless you download roms but can you get caught?

A. i dont think so

How do i use the N64 emulator for android phones?
Q. I downloaded an emulator for nintendo 64 games on my droid incredible 2 but i dont know how or where to get games from.


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